Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-EE ) is a fruit that grows on the Acai Palm Trees in the Amazon Rainforest of Brazil. Acai is small in size(smaller than a grape) and is dark purple in color. In truth, Acai is mostly seed, covered in a small amount of pulp. In fact, about 90% of the Acai berry is seed and it is important to note that people do not eat the Acai Berry seed. Is the Acai Berry a Superfruit or Superfad? Does the Acai Berry have incredible health benefits or just incredible health hype?
Cordyceps is a fungus that was first discovered in the high altitudes of Tibet, Nepal and parts of China. While there are over 680 species in the Cordyceps Genus, we will be focusing on the Cordyceps Sinensis species. Cordyceps Sinensis (part of the fungi family of Ascomycotina) thrives in the cold grassy mountains at about 3,800 meters above sea level.
The African Mango grows in…wait for it…Africa! To be more specific it tends to grow in the tropical jungles of Cameroon. As much as we love how easy it is to pronounce African Mango, we need to level with you, African Mango is not the real name of the plant. Irvingia Gabonensis is the actual name of the fruit bearing plant.
You may see articles online talking about weight loss and African Mango, Irvingia, Irvingia Gabonensis, Bush Mango or Wild Mango – just understand they are all just different names for the same fruit.
Fully matured Barley, Oat and Wheat are cereal grains that contain gluten. Most grass blends are made with grains that have fully matured and subsequently contain gluten as well. Perfect 3 Grass Blend contains Barley Grass, Oat Grass and Wheatgrass, which are cereal grasses, not grains. Cereal grasses are premature cereal grains. Unlike cereal grains, cereal grasses are gluten-free. Since these grasses are extracted before they have reached maturity, this supplement is 100% gluten-free.
Coconut Oil is the oil that comes from coconuts. Pretty straight forward –huh? Unfortunately, after that fact, things start to get a little more complicated. Coconut Oil is a saturated fat, which we have heard for years is pure evil and responsible for high cholesterol and heart disease.
It now turns out that not all saturated fats are the same and in fact some saturated fats may actually have health benefits!
Spirulina is a blue-green algae. If you want to get technical about it, it is a microscopic algae, so it is called a microalgae. What's that? Not technical and boring enough – fine try this one… Spirulina (technically Spirulina platensis), is a spiral shaped multicellular blue-green microalgae. Spirulina, one of the planet's most ancient forms of plant life, grows in the water - both fresh water and sea water. The blue-green color of Spirulina comes from the high concentration of something called phycocyanin.
Chlorella is a spherical, single celled, green freshwater algae that has existed on this planet for 2 billion years. Chlorella is actually a micro algae, about the size of a human red blood cell - amazing how something so small has out-survived dinosaurs and basically anything else that has ever lived on this planet! Chlorella is one of the most nutrient rich plants under the sun! Chlorella, a micro algae that is no larger than a red blood cell, is a highly nutrient SuperFood.
How Do We Pick The Best Organic Ingredients - Part One:
We have a love/hate relationship with supplements. We love healthy and pure Organic Supplements that offer the best nutrients from Mother Nature. We hate fraudulent, over hyped, low quality supplements that prey on your health fears and are a complete waste of your money.
We have a love/hate relationship with supplements. We love healthy and pure Organic Supplements that offer the best nutrients from Mother Nature. We hate fraudulent, over hyped, low quality supplements that prey on your health fears and are a complete waste of your money.
Do Organic Supplement Really Have More
Health Benefits
We can debate just how dangerous pesticides are to people and the planet – but clearly we would all prefer to have fruits, food and supplements that were free of any harmful pesticides.
We can debate just how dangerous pesticides are to people and the planet – but clearly we would all prefer to have fruits, food and supplements that were free of any harmful pesticides.
The Real Deal on Organic Vitamins
It should come as no surprise that Best Organic Supplements is a big fan of certain Organic Vitamins. What may be more surprising to learn is that we feel some Organic Vitamins are completely useless and a waste of your money! Vitamins, like food, can be grown and harvested or synthetically produced in the lab. If you like the idea of having your food grown, why wouldn't you want the same thing for your vitamins? Organic Vitamins can just be viewed as food created nutrients.
It should come as no surprise that Best Organic Supplements is a big fan of certain Organic Vitamins. What may be more surprising to learn is that we feel some Organic Vitamins are completely useless and a waste of your money! Vitamins, like food, can be grown and harvested or synthetically produced in the lab. If you like the idea of having your food grown, why wouldn't you want the same thing for your vitamins? Organic Vitamins can just be viewed as food created nutrients.
Spirulina and Chlorella – Like Peanut Butter and Jelly
Some things were just made to go together – peanut butter and jelly, waffles and ice cream, Spirulina and Chlorella. Both wonderful on their own, become super fantastic when mixed together!
Some things were just made to go together – peanut butter and jelly, waffles and ice cream, Spirulina and Chlorella. Both wonderful on their own, become super fantastic when mixed together!
How Do We Pick The Best Organic Ingredients - Part Two:
We believe that a healthy supplement is one that helps everyone who touches the supplement. The growers, the workers and you the end user, should all benefit from the supplement.
We believe that a healthy supplement is one that helps everyone who touches the supplement. The growers, the workers and you the end user, should all benefit from the supplement.
Does Anyone Want to Take Magnesium Stearate
Grab a bottle of any vitamins or supplements you have in the house and take a look at the "Other Ingredients" or "Inactive Ingredients". Odds are you will see something called Magnesium Stearate. Over 90% of the vitamins and supplements made today contain magnesium stearate, but what is this ingredient and do you really want to take it?
Grab a bottle of any vitamins or supplements you have in the house and take a look at the "Other Ingredients" or "Inactive Ingredients". Odds are you will see something called Magnesium Stearate. Over 90% of the vitamins and supplements made today contain magnesium stearate, but what is this ingredient and do you really want to take it?
From Plant to Powder – The Wrong Way to Do It
Do you live in the Amazon Rainforest? Can you roll out of bed, shimmy up a 30 foot Acai Palm Tree and pick your own, fresh, organic Acai berries? In this article we are going to look at how organic plants and fruits go from nature to a supplement…and all that can go wrong.
Do you live in the Amazon Rainforest? Can you roll out of bed, shimmy up a 30 foot Acai Palm Tree and pick your own, fresh, organic Acai berries? In this article we are going to look at how organic plants and fruits go from nature to a supplement…and all that can go wrong.
Can African Mango Help Me Lose Weight
Here at Best Organic Supplements we have been hearing this question a lot recently. You may see articles online talking about weight loss and African Mango, Irvingia, Irvingia Gabonensis, Bush Mango or Wild Mango – just understand they are all just different names for the same fruit. As our goal is to provide research on natural ingredients that our readers are most interested in, we have decided to dig a little deeper into the African Mango mystery…
Here at Best Organic Supplements we have been hearing this question a lot recently. You may see articles online talking about weight loss and African Mango, Irvingia, Irvingia Gabonensis, Bush Mango or Wild Mango – just understand they are all just different names for the same fruit. As our goal is to provide research on natural ingredients that our readers are most interested in, we have decided to dig a little deeper into the African Mango mystery…