Yes, today we are going to learn about the now Famous, and in some cases Infamous, Acai Berry. Is the Acai Berry a Superfruit or Superfad? Does the Acai Berry have incredible health benefits or just incredible health hype? Will Acai Berry help you lose that extra weight or does it just help you lose your extra money? All these questions and more will be answered as we explore the wonderful and wacky world of Acai…

What Exactly is the Acai Berry?
This may be review for many of you, but let's start with the basics. Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-EE ) is a fruit that grows on the Acai Palm Trees in the Amazon Rainforest of Brazil. Acai is small in size(smaller than a grape) and is dark purple in color. In truth, Acai is mostly seed, covered in a small amount of pulp. In fact, about 90% of the Acai berry is seed and it is important to note that people do not eat the Acai Berry seed.
What is The Big Deal With the Tiny Acai Berry?
You like to get straight to the point – that is what we love about you! Before we even get a full discussion on the nutritional aspects of the Acai Berry, let's talk about why the Aca Berry is a big deal…
- Dr. Perricone, in his best selling book, "The Perricone Promise" picked the Acai Berry as the #1 Super Food in the world.
- In 2005, Oprah named Acai the #1 Super Food, saying "This little berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world."
- Acai has about 10 Times the antioxidant power of red grapes and twice that of blueberries
- "Rich in antioxidants and amino acids, açaí is thought to be one of the most nutritional fruits of the Amazon basin." New York Times, 8/4/2004
- Acai has been shown to have a positive effect on energy, libido, endurance and stamina
- Acai can reduce pain and soreness
- Acai works as a powerful anti-inflammatory and supports the immune system
You have to admit those are some pretty exciting benefits from a tiny purple berry!
Sounds Good, Where Can I Get Some Fresh, Organic Acai?
It is very simple really. First you need to move to the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil. Then you need to learn how to climb the 30 foot Acai Palm trees to pick the Acai. Once you have the Acai berries, you need to remove the seeds and make some Acai pulp. Finally, you better eat that Acai pulp quickly; it will go rancid in about 24 hours.
Wait a Minute, Can't I Just Go To The Store And Buy Any Acai Product They Have?
Sure, you could do that. You could also take your hard earned money and set it on fire – probably get about the same results. If buying pure Organic Acai was so simple, do you really think we would have 4 lessons devoted to the Acai Berry?
There is much we must learn before we even think about buying any Organic Acai product. We need to learn more about the nutritional properties of the Acai Berry, what makes it a Super Fruit and the best way to process organic Acai. In our next lesson, we look in detail at the nutritional properties of the Acai Berry…