What Are The Health Benefits of Including Acai in My Diet?
Here is a quick list of some of the benefits of including, pure Organic Acai in your diet –
The nutrients in Acai can help:
- Increase energy, libido and stamina
- Maintain the healthy function of bodily systems and organs
- Promote healthy, glowing skin and hair
- Promote healthy sleep
- Support your immune system
- Act as a powerful anti-inflammatory
- Help reduce pain and soreness
- Help rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit
- Help control appetite
- Work as a digestive aide
How Can The Acai Berry Really Help in All Those Ways?
In our last lesson we discovered that the Acai Berry is one of the most antioxidant rich foods in the world, but what do we really need antioxidants for? Basically everything! Let's look at the findings ofa US Department of Agriculture (USDA) study that examined the link between antioxidant rich food and aging. Here are some direct quotes from the USDA website -
It is clear that the potential health benefits of eating high ORAC value foods, such as the Organic Acai Berry should not be underestimated.
So, The Antioxidants Are Responsible for All the Health Benefits of Acai?
No. Clearly the antioxidants in the Acai Berry have a great deal to do with the health benefits of the Acai Berry, but there is more to the story. If you recall from our lesson on the Nutritional Makeup of Acai, the berry is also filled with healthly Omega Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Fiber and Protein. It is the combination of all the nutrients in the Acai Berry which give the berry its incredible health benefits.
The key to being healthy is feeding your body a strong balance of natural nutrients. Yes, the Acai berry is off the chart in terms of Antioxidants, but all the other nutrients in the berry help create a balanced and nutritious food, which can have significant health benefits.
What About Weight Loss, Will Acai Help Me Lose 30 Pounds in 30 Days?
That depends. If you carry 30 pounds of money in your wallet, and you waste it all on Acai supplements that make outrageous weight loss claims, you will lose 30 pounds…direct from your wallet!
Seriously, the idea that Acai is a magic weight loss pill is completely unfounded in science. No, Acai will not let you magically lose 30 pounds overnight. On the positive side, it is possible to lose a reasonable amount of weight when using Acai. When eating Organic and pure Acai you will have more energy. If you have more energy, you may be more active – maybe exercise more or head to the gym. This increase in activity burns calories, so in this sense Acai can help with weight loss.
Many people also find they are more regular when taking Acai, so helping the digestive system to flush the body can also help with weight loss. Finally, some people find the Acai works as an appetite suppressant, so this can aide with weight loss.
In the end, Acai can be an aide or catalyst when it comes to weight loss, which is terrific considering all of its other benefits. However, people who are looking for a magic bullet to losing weight, will be disappointed with Acai.
Does Acai Cure Cancer and Every Known Ailment?
Obviously not! Still, do some searching on Acai and you will be shocked at the outrageous health claims being made about the Acai Berry. It is true that a University of Florida study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry on Jan. 12, 2006 found that acai berries triggered a self-destruct response in up to 86 percent of Leukemia cells tested in vitro. However, it is important to understand that the Acai killed cultured cancer cells in a test tube - this is very different than killing cancer in the human body. Obviously, much more research needs to be done before anyone could make any cancer claims regarding Acai in the human body.
Acai is an incredible fruit, packed with nutrients that can provide numerous health benefits. With so many real benefits of eating Acai we are not sure why some websites need to exaggerate the health claims.
Sounds Great, Any Reason Not to Eat Acai Berries?
Acai has some very impressive health benefits, but before we recommend any organic ingredient, we need to examine any potential side effects or dangers from eating Acai.
Read our next lesson, The Side Effects of Acai…