Let's apply the 4 Question Outstanding Organic Ingredient Test to Chlorella and see how it does…
#1. Is The Ingredient Nutrient Dense With Proven Health Benefits?
Most Definitely YES! As we discuss in the What is Chlorella Lesson and the Chlorella Health Benefits lesson, Chlorella is a true super food. Chlorella is packed with nutrients and those nutrients provide real health benefits.
#2. Is The Ingredient Safe?
Yes! Please read our Chlorella Side Effects article for complete information, but Pure Organic Chlorella is generally safe for most people. We saw no red flags while doing our research, but as always, check with your doctor before starting on any new ingredients or supplements.
#3. Can The Ingredient Be Sourced In A Way That Does Not Harm The Planet?
Yes! It took us a while, but we found an Organic Pure Chlorella that is Fair Trade Certified and harvesting it does absolutely no harm to the environment.

#4. Can The Ingredient Be Processed Without Losing Its Nutrients?
Yes! Chlorella can be dried into a powder without using excessive heat or drying agents – this allows the Chlorella powder to retain the same nutrients found in fresh Chlorella.
Unfortunately, many of the Chlorella powders on the market are processed using drying agents and high heat – so these Chlorella products would NOT pass this test. However, if you dig around (and we love digging) you can find Chlorella Supplements that do maintain the full nutrients and health benefits of the fresh Chlorella algae.
One other important point – only “cracked cell wall Chlorella” or “broken cell wall Chlorella” is fully absorbed by the body. If you actually eat fresh Chlorella, without first breaking the cell walls on the Chlorella – all those healthy nutrients in the Chlorella cell will stay inside the Chlorella cell! We of course want the nutrients in the Chlorella to be absorbed into our body, so you need to find Broken Cell Wall Chlorella, if you want to get the full nutrients from Chlorella. We will have much more on this in our lesson on Finding The Best Organic Chlorella Supplements.
We Have 4 Yes Answers – Chlorella is An Outstanding Organic Ingredient
Now that we know that Organic Chlorella is something you will want to take, we need to find the Best Organic Chlorella Supplement on the market. Let's move on to the next lesson –
How To Find The Best Organic Chlorella Supplements